The First Week of Summer

So far, I have been out of school for one week. So far, I have not accomplished anything important. Perhaps it was a well-needed week of laziness in order to set off my summer of productivity? We'll see.

I volunteered at the Museum of American Finance yesterday for the first time in a few weeks. I forget how much I enjoy spending time there. Over the past four or so months I've developed a new interest in colonial and early American history (I used to just be all about that medieval European stuff). Alexander Hamilton is kind of fascinating. There is a cute little room dedicated to him at the museum. I'll have to look into doing some more reading on him and some of the other Founding Fathers.

After work I walked all the way home, taking a few detours on the way. City Hall Park is one of my new favorite parks in the city. It has a lovely fountain in the middle, with some pretty sizable trees all around if you're looking for shade. It's quieter and less stimulating than Washington Square Park, but not eerily silent like Fort Tryon Park. If you want to read a book without being distracted by half-naked people on unicycles, City Hall Park is your place. There's free wi-fi, which I wasn't able to test out because I didn't have my computer on me, but I trust it. When has a New York City Parks Commissioner ever done anything wrong?

I read in the park for a while, and then I wandered through the Lower East Side. I've never really walked around down there for an extended period, and I ended up really diggin' the vibe. That's good, because I'll possibly be spending a bit of time down there since the King's men are moving down to live in SVA's Ludlow Residence. Okay, so maybe it's a little bit of an eyesore, but everything else around it is pleasant. And as long as there's a Duane Reade and a McDonald's within a block, I'm good to go. If it's not convenient, it's not Manhattan.

From there, I made my way northward. I ended up stopping in at the Buffalo Exchange on 11th between 1st and 2nd Avenue. I scored some awesome clothes for not a lot of money, which is totally fine by me. Now, by this point, I had a blister on my right pinkie toe from walking so much in my black flats, but I didn't want to pay to ride the subway only twenty blocks. So, I sucked it up and walked the rest of the way home, running into some movie shoot in the Flatiron District. I already forgot the name of the project. Call me spoiled.

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