

Blogger, I have abandoned thee, and I am moving on to bigger and better things.

Trips & More Free Wi-Fi


Sometimes, I wonder if I really like New York as much as I think I do.

I went to Pittsburgh and back yesterday on a megabus. I paid almost no money at all to sit on a bus and on a bench for about 20 hours. I'm not really sure why I did it. I suppose I knew that I wasn't going to be doing anything productive anyways, and I figured I'd be able to get a lot of reading done. Well, joke's on me, because those buses have Wi-Fi and of course I probably spent 4 of those 20 hours on Facebook.

The bus made a stop at Penn State. At first, I was like, "Woah, a real college! I wish I could go here! This is so cute!" Then, after about 2 minutes, I realized that I was already bored. The charm of college towns never lasts very long.

Pennsylvania is really pretty. I caught myself thinking, "I want to quit school and just go be Amish," a couple of times. We don't get a lot of full, green trees and rolling hills in Manhattan. The Pennsylvania countryside is probably the most beautiful place I've seen in real life. If Pennsylvania is the Caribbean, Texas is the East River.

But when I got back and stepped off that bus at 7th Avenue and 28th Street, I felt relieved. Other places are nice, but they're nothing like Manhattan. I'm comforted by the endless sidewalk and the shouting halal cart workers at 2 in the morning. I embrace the cry of police sirens. I don't like being away for too long. I think 20 hours was cutting it close.

Note: I bring this blog post to you readers via free Wi-Fi in Union Square. Score.

The First Week of Summer


So far, I have been out of school for one week. So far, I have not accomplished anything important. Perhaps it was a well-needed week of laziness in order to set off my summer of productivity? We'll see.

I volunteered at the Museum of American Finance yesterday for the first time in a few weeks. I forget how much I enjoy spending time there. Over the past four or so months I've developed a new interest in colonial and early American history (I used to just be all about that medieval European stuff). Alexander Hamilton is kind of fascinating. There is a cute little room dedicated to him at the museum. I'll have to look into doing some more reading on him and some of the other Founding Fathers.

After work I walked all the way home, taking a few detours on the way. City Hall Park is one of my new favorite parks in the city. It has a lovely fountain in the middle, with some pretty sizable trees all around if you're looking for shade. It's quieter and less stimulating than Washington Square Park, but not eerily silent like Fort Tryon Park. If you want to read a book without being distracted by half-naked people on unicycles, City Hall Park is your place. There's free wi-fi, which I wasn't able to test out because I didn't have my computer on me, but I trust it. When has a New York City Parks Commissioner ever done anything wrong?

I read in the park for a while, and then I wandered through the Lower East Side. I've never really walked around down there for an extended period, and I ended up really diggin' the vibe. That's good, because I'll possibly be spending a bit of time down there since the King's men are moving down to live in SVA's Ludlow Residence. Okay, so maybe it's a little bit of an eyesore, but everything else around it is pleasant. And as long as there's a Duane Reade and a McDonald's within a block, I'm good to go. If it's not convenient, it's not Manhattan.

From there, I made my way northward. I ended up stopping in at the Buffalo Exchange on 11th between 1st and 2nd Avenue. I scored some awesome clothes for not a lot of money, which is totally fine by me. Now, by this point, I had a blister on my right pinkie toe from walking so much in my black flats, but I didn't want to pay to ride the subway only twenty blocks. So, I sucked it up and walked the rest of the way home, running into some movie shoot in the Flatiron District. I already forgot the name of the project. Call me spoiled.

Summer Readin'


Okay, all of you dedicated followers of my blog, here is my summer reading list. Feel free to nag me on occasion to make sure I'm getting it done.

  • Mere Christianity
  • The Hobbit
  • The Fellowship of the Ring
  • The Two Towers
  • The Return of the King
  • The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy
  • The Canterbury Tales (that should be fun)
  • The Jungle
  • The Grapes of Wrath
  • Brave New World
  • 1984
  • A Little Princess
  • Oliver Twist
  • The Oxford Book of Oxford (I just need to finish this darn book already.)
  • The Power Broker
  • The Epic of New York City
  • A Moveable Feast
  • The Federalist Papers
We'll see how long my momentum lasts.

99¢ Pizza and Old Refrigerators


This evening was quite grand. Travis was kind enough to treat me and Josh Wright to the 99¢ pizza on 43rd between Lexington and 3rd. If you haven't been yet, I highly recommend it. It's probably the best of all of the assorted super-discount pizza places in the city.

Travis got a whole pizza for us ($8). There was an old refrigerator sitting conveniently out on the street, so we made use of it as our dinner table. Time went by, and we ate, drank seltzer water, conversed, and people-watched. One man came up to us at one point when there was one slice of pizza laying out on the fridge and he said, "Hey, your pizza's getting cold!" We told him we knew, and then we asked if he wanted it. He replied , "No, I meant because it was sitting on the fridge." Funny man. I laughed.

I won't disclose the specifics of our conversation. It was pretty top-secret. We're like a gang now. Or blood brothers. Minus the blood exchange. You can't be too careful about HIV when it comes to NYC. Maybe in Idaho, but not here.



Okay, I might as well breathe some life into this old blog again. I made a tumblr, thinking it would be an alternative output for all of the writing I was planning to do here. Alas, it was not that simple. Tumblr functions more like an extended Twitter for me. It consists of mostly quotes and conversations with my friends that I find amusing - so, not too amusing for anyone else. Also, I tend to only want to write when it's 3 o' clock in the morning. I've been a good student lately, and I've been going to bed fairly early and waking up before the crack of dawn. These are my excuses for not maintaining this blog. However, I'm not too sure if anyone missed me.

The reason I'm reviving this is not self-motivated, I'm afraid. There's been a lot of pressure from the 5C crowd. Josh, Tim, and Travis have all started up new blogs recently. Check them out. Unfortunately, these fine lads are all a little more witty than I am. What can I say? They are in the House of Lewis.

I'm not quite sure what the purpose of this post was.



I suppose that I'm somewhat worried about my newfound dependence on caffeine. I'm completely unproductive with my day unless I've got a constant flow of caffeine in my system. I find that it's best if I drink about 1.5 liters of Diet Coke a day. That's not good. I would drink coffee, but I don't like the taste. Tea isn't really strong enough. So, I'm left with the aspartame and various other chemicals of the scorned diet soda. I don't like the idea that I have to put something in my body just to be able to concentrate more in my classes or have the spunk to initiate conversations with people. I'm not sure if caffeine gives me the ability to feel like myself, or if it just changes me altogether. Perhaps I'm making too big of a deal out of it. Who knows. As I've written this, I've drunk two tall glasses of Diet Dr. Pepper in preparation for my two classes from 9 to noon. I'll surely have some more before my class at 3. There's still a liter left of poison for me to finish my day. Huzzah.



There are always Koreans everywhere. If you're not a student of The King's College living in my apartment building, you're Korean. Often, the hallways will smell a little fishy or tangy, but I've managed to either get used to the smell or just go somewhere else (i.e. outside). At first, it was kind of cool to live around such "exotic" people, but the excitement wore off shortly after the novelty of it all.

Over the past few months, the Koreans have become more and more invisible. Their petite frames are hidden behind the many over-bundled tourists that saunter up and down Broadway. Their language meshes with the dozens of others I can hear every day in front of the Macy's. I'd nearly almost forgotten about the Koreans until today, when I decided to make a trip to the Korean market on 32nd street in lieu of walking 20 blocks in 28° weather to my normal grocer, Trader Joe's. I step out my building's back door, walk a block downtown, and turn left onto the greatest strip of Korean-ness in Manhattan.

The buildings from Broadway to 5th Avenue are lined top to bottom with Korean signs, which, at night, are lit up to resemble a sort of toned-down version of Times Square. I love how strikingly different this street is than the two on either side of it. 33rd is home to a couple of dinky bars and the delivery (a.k.a. unsightly) entrance of the Empire State Building, and 31st hosts a speckling of small, questionable shops. 32nd is much more lively, and I have to dodge dozens on my only half-a-block's walk to the market.

Now, I'd been on 32nd before -- this was not all new to me. I'd passed the throngs of Koreans many times before; I'd peered through the many restaurant windows; I knew that there was a market there, but I'd never gone inside it with any intention to actually purchase something. Upon examining the food inside, I am entertained. So much of the groceries are in bright, shiny packaging. It reminds me of giant versions of little Asian candies I once got in my elementary school Japanese class. The names, ingredients, and nutrition facts of the foods are all listed in both Korean and English.

I ended up purchasing a package of ramen-type noodles and another package of frozen leek dumplings. I had to restrain myself from picking out every colorful product that hit my eye. Those Asians sure know how to market groceries.

To sum it all up -- I'm going to start shopping here more often.